Yang mengikutiku.. ;)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Inilah harinya


     Alhamdulillah, semalam dah tercapai impian yang dah lama terpendam. Jadi, memandangkan semalam adalah hari gaji encik suami, maka hajat itu telah diluahkan. Encik suami kan baik,ok j memanjang,layankan aje bini dia ni. Dan..tadaaa~~ hambikau!!! 50 keping gambar telah selamat dihantar ke kedai gambar dan boleh ambil gambar-gambar tu semua hari ini. Misi mecari album gambar akan dijalankan tak lama lagi. Yes! ;) Yang best, dapat cuci satu gambar saiz 8R, FOC..! ehemm..! pilih gambar paling manis gitu.. :D

     Pagi ni awal-awal lagi dah sentap dengan encik suami. Dialog-dialog yang buat saya sentap.

en suami: ayang nak guno ko galaxy note tu..?
saya: tak nak..
*suami ambil galaxy note dia masuk dalam beg*
saya: hurm,buke ado internet pon.. *sambil buat muka kt en suami*
suami: dah...~ dah ado dah internet..~ *dengan muka selamba*

ok,terus sentap..! Sampai hati tak bagitahu dah subscribe internet dan dah ada nombor baru. Sampai hati tak bagitahu saya beli nombor baru. Tahu-tahu plak nombor digi.Oh, sampai hati! Merajuk la pagi tadi selepas makan pagi, sebelum en suami pergi kerja. Hah! apa lagi..mula la sesi memujuk..hahaha..nasib la, dah dapat bini manja,mudah merajuk, cengeng! manjo gedebek..manjo dek dek..! :P

     Kisahnya, hajat di hati suami nak buat kejutan masa dalam kereta nanti. Masa kami dalam perjalanan balik kampung petang ni. Dia kata, dia nak tunggu saya cakap bosan tak ada internet dan dia akan cakap, boleh guna internet kat galaxy note dia tu. Oh, en suami sangat sweet. Suka buat kejutan. Tapi kejutan ni tak menjadi la sebab dah bagitahu awal-awal tadi. Dia tak puas hati bila saya cakap "buke ado internet pon", dia rasa tercabar gitu. Hahahahah.. tak pasal-pasal kena pujuk bini pagi ni. heh! :P

     Itu lah yang buat saya makin sayang en suami,sangat comel,sangat sweet dan saaaaaaangat baik! T.T alhamdulillah,dapat jodoh macam dia,syukur sangat-sangat..!! :')

     Inilah harinya kami akan pulang ke kampung untuk hari raya haji,petang nanti akan bertolak dan akan melalui jalan mersing. Semoga kami selamat sampai.

**Inilah harinya. Berdebarnya rasa. Pukul 2 petang, tak boleh lambat. Ya Allah,permudahkanlah..!**

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Life Progress


   It's been quiet a while since the last time I update my blog. I keep thinking that maybe I will update my blog more frequent starting from this day. I think I want to share my happy story here and at the same time, I want to improve my language and my writing skill. However, there's still a lot that I need to learn in blogging. It's ok, I will try my best. Well, honestly I envy those blogger who make their blog looks so interesting. I wish to have one too.

   Ok, so far my life progress are:

2nd May 2012 - FYP presentation
17th May 2012 - FYP report submitted
19th May - 21st May 2012 - Honeymoon at Tioman Island
4th June - 29th June 2012 - OJT at TMPoint and RNO Batu Pahat
July 2012 until now - Full time Housewife

   During those time from July until now, I've been through two interviews at TM. I got the offer once, but I reject it. That's why the call me for another interview. Total for now, I already reject two offers. I reject it, it doesn't mean I do not want to work, but I want to work if I can, near to my husband. Those offer required me to work in KL..it is a BIG NO..ok?!

   Last week I got another offer. Since i reject it, so I end up as an unemployed. I planned to be employed before this 2012 end. Now already October, and I don't know if I can make it as I planned. May Allah answer to my prayer. I'm still waiting for a better offer, still hoping for it.

   By the way, I had my convocation last two weeks in MMU Cyberjaya. It was fun to meet my friends which are all of them has started their work already. Means, they are officially employed. Alhamdulillah,it is their rezki.. ;)

**Planning on having another blog, and planning on to hide my identity on that blog, since what i want to share there is not appropriate to share here and not appropriate to let people know who it the author of the blog..but, my knowledge in blogging is not so deep yet..so,how..???wish I can learn directly from someone expert or better than me..!**

Well, here are some of the photos during my life from May 2012 till now.

Alhamdulillah, I've done it.

We at Juara Village, Tioman Island

My beloved hubby during our honeymoon :)

With OJT friends

My convocation, Alhamdulillah, I'm officially graduated from MMU..! hubby,thanks so much for everything..!!

OK, that's enough for now. Wait for another update from me yahhh...~ Assalamualaikum.. ;)