Yang mengikutiku.. ;)

Thursday, 18 September 2014

12 Hari Yang Lalu


Jam ini, 12 hari yang lalu. Suami perlahan-lahan pandu pulang ke Melaka. There is something precious, that need to be handle with care. Perjalanan sepatutnya 2 jam, memakan masa hampir 5 jam. Penat memang penat, jenuh duduk dalam kereta lama-lama.

Hari ini, kami sama-sama menanti keputusan. Berdebar, dup dap dup dap.

Moga kuat tabah dan redha terima apa sahaja.

Allahu Allah...

Monday, 15 September 2014



Dear lovely babies,
Both of you now are 14 days old. Ummi and abi hopes, both of you are still there, hanging on tightly. You are there, in ummi's for officially 9 days.

Well, ummi still anxiously waiting the time for blood test. To know whether both of you are there or not. But please be there. Ummi do not know how to face it if you both are not there, seriously. Ummi and abi have been waiting for you for years.

Ummi's heart is thump thump thump until the date, 18th Sept. Its 3 days more.

Ummi had a nightmare. In my dream, ummi lost you. Ummi not sure whether both of you leave ummi alone, or only one of you. Just ummi know, that you leave me. And ummi cried in the dream. You see, how ummi really hope to see you, to be with you. So, just please be strong my dear.

Then, the countdown is begin. 3 days more to go. Hope to hear the good news.


Monday, 8 September 2014



Its been 2 days since we see each other. Even it was only ummi can see you guys, but still both ummi and abi is so eager waiting to see you two.

Please hang in there tightly babies. We really want to see you both, we really waited for you for years. No one knows how hard for us to get you there. So please be strong as your ummi and abi, seriously. You are not alone, you have us, you have each other in there.

Till we meet again, be healthy, be good and be strong in there. Ummi will only eat good food for you my dear.

Ummi and abi...