Yang mengikutiku.. ;)

Friday, 28 September 2012



Sedar tak sedar, dah hampir 5 bulan jadi surirumah sepenuh masa. It's not bad thing though and actually i am enjoying my free time of becoming a housewife. It is a nice thing to do,since i can manage the house on my own, i can cook for my husband, i can prepare his shirts to work and... and... and..... i have time to put on make up before he's back home..!

now, back on the title,teringin..what is that i duk teringin..? heh! teringin nak dapat baby la. i have done with my study since in the mid of May 2012, and trying to conceive but still not successful. So, one of my friend from secondary school, just delivered her baby girl. Congratulation my dearie friend..! But it is ok, belum tiba masanya, bukan rezeki saya lagi.

ok,teruskan berusaha..! moga masaku kan tiba nanti..:)